Birthday resolutions

In my typically contrarian way, I am again, bucking tradition and not making any New Year’s Resolutions.

I tend to think of mine more as birthday ones, IF I make any at all given that my birthday is so close to the New Year.

Anyhow, 46 has crept up. I’m trying to remain zen about that.

I’ll get back to you on how that is going.

1) I’ve got myself back into the reading habit so my goal is to keep that rolling again this year. I have about a dozen books left on the dresser from that pile I inherited and after that I’m going to make sure my library card is active and start catching up on some current books and authors that I discovered in 2010.

2) The ever classic resolution to “go to the gym” is covered since I managed to continue with the circuit training group and trainers who I love. I saw a weight in 2010 that I probably had not seen since 1995 and even though Mother Nature keeps heaping the numbers in the old age bucket on me, I actually feel stronger and more capable of keeping my balance when needed (such as putting up and taking down decorations on a rather steeply sloped hillside!). I think my goal will be to be able to run farther before I start sucking wind (loudly, it’s rather humiliating the noise that one makes when one is gassed – and I get gassed way to quickly still!). To be more specific, perhaps if I could run twice around the buildings at the gym or once around my block without needed an oxygen tank? Yeah, that’d be good 🙂 I’d also like to get some 12 and 15lb hand weights to add to the challenge when I work out at home. I’m trying to keep up doing 20-30 reps with the 10lb weights on the days in between formal work outs.

3) I have a ridiculously small, silly, yet highly annoying bad habit which only really impacts me that I’ve had since I was quite small that I have just GOT to stop to preserve minor levels of sanity. One of those things that happens unconsciously and then irritates me to no end, but since no one else is impacted or even notices it is triple hard to stop. But, stop I will and I bet this will be the hardest one for me. Since it is something related to concentrating on things, I’ve started breaking the habit while being home on vacation. Getting back to work is going to be a real test. Actually what it will take is keeping my mind more present and aware at all times. Which is really hard with all this ADD inducing technology surrounding me! But conquer it I will (dammit).

Just those 3 should do it. Age has brought me the wisdom to know not to push it & then get all distressed when items are not ticked off successfully 😉

Plus, I’m lazy.

And not young.

Now, pass me the ginko so that I don’t forget those three.


“Age is just a number” (yeah, but that’s a pretty fucking high number).

Have you noticed how places group the ages? Yeah, I just crawled into the 46-50 group.





2 thoughts on “Birthday resolutions

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  1. That’s why I took up yoga practice. Age. lol!

    Running is popular this year. I have that on my list too. Good luck with your Birthday resolutions. 🙂


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