Move 2008 week 34 + The Big Sleepover

Quick stats: 30 mins aerobics 5 days of the week + 5 toning/weight routines. All soreness attributed to Wii use has dissipated so hopefully those new muscle groups are getting used to being put to the test!

The Big Sleepover:

So yesterday was the first Saturday of many over the next 3 months that will be dominated by Pop Warner. We met the team at the high school at 1:00 and caravaned off to our favorite place – Temecula – for weigh in certifcation. This is done to make sure the players are all within the approved weight range for their divisions. As with last year, we had a few bigger boys who were working hard to get themselves down to the maximum and they all made it! Phew. First hurdle of the season passed. It is then our team’s rite of passage to head over to Texas Lil’s for ribs to celebrate. Good food and company and a toast to the start of the season and things were rolling along. Somehow, as we all gathered out in the parking lot to make sure the kids who had carpooled over were properly covered for the trip back home, the notion of a massive sleepover to blow out the last weekend of summer came about. A head count of 14 boys was taken and the moms’ eyes all widened and we knew the host family would need help. The team mom is the hostesses best friend (and was the instigator of this plan) so she offered to stay the night with them. I offered to stay up until bed time and there you had it. All sanity had been set aside and literally half the team roster was going to sleep (hah!) over at one house! One hour later we are sitting in the backyard as the boys play basketball:

The plan was to wear them out since they had spent most of the day riding in a car or eating. So after basketball they moved on to the very awesome pool:

Notice the dog in the photo – he was having a blast running alongside the pool catching water splashes. He never barked, just ran up and down the edge keeping an eye on things. He had also ‘refereed’ the basketball and by the time we went inside to have the boys shower and dry off after the pool, he was passed OUT in the hallway. He had not seen that much activity ever at his house and he was not ready for it 🙂

We ordered pizzas and the boys settled long enough to scarf those down (apologize for the poor quality, but this is me fudging around with my camera settings and blowing it!)

I chose this photo because you can see the hostess mom and the team mom (on the right) giving the boys instructions/rules for the rest of the night. The last item on the wear-the-boys out agenda was a night hike. At 9:30 we set out with flashlights and sticks – because Team Mom had warned the boys about snakes and coyotes and other creatures of the night. I brought up the rear with the most powerful light and kept counting heads. Naturally a few boys decided to hide and jump out periodically but I managed to catch them doing it each time so I knew where they were. On one part of the trail was a footbridge over a dry creek bed and I saw a couple boys go hide under it up ahead so I told the boys who were trailing behind with me and one of them threw a tennis ball we had found so that it landed right in the bushes next to the ones hiding. Oh boy did they squeal and run out from under there fast!! Turned the tables on those bush jumpers. The hike lasted over an hour and really was a hoot. A definite team building experience.I knew they would be in for the night at that point so I left and got home around 11:30 just exhausted! But, that was nothing compared to the moms still there. I guess the boys played video games until midnight and then they put in a movie because Team Mom rightly predicted that they would start nodding off during that. Apparently my son was the only one up all the way to the end! So he had about 3-4 hours sleep 😉 When I got there to pick him up this morning, those poor moms looked beat and even Sportboy looked wiped out. All in all, a very fun way to end the summer.

3 thoughts on “Move 2008 week 34 + The Big Sleepover

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  1. I want to get a Wii for that exercise thing but Blane says we have too many game systems. We do, I guess.

    The kids didn’t crave macaroni and cheese after getting out the pool?


  2. Kitty – but the Wii is different! Really. I’ve never been interested in any of the other game systems. This one though is so interactive. SB and I play tennis as a double team together against the computer and we have so much fun. I think you guys just need to try one out and he’ll see the value 🙂

    brandy – you have a standing invite! It really was fun.


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