

I tell ya, if not for blog stats showing me that more peeps than ever are clicking in, over the past month or so I would think that I am largely talking to myself 🙂

Now, I could start stomping my feet throwing a hissy fit and such and order you all to “COMMENT dammit!” but that would not be very accomodating. Plus, it would also be hypocritical ’cause I don’t comment very much around town either. And while I write in here mostly to get stuff outta my head and not really for attention..well…a little comment love now and then does not hurt. But you gotta give to get and I realize that I truly need to cut down on the items in my Google Reader. I skim way too much which is just not fair to some really wonderful friends. So this weekend I shall be marginally brutal and cut out some Reader items and also vow to drop at least a comment a day around bloggy land – heck maybe even 2 or 3!

So, here’s a few questions to spark some conversation (hey, if you are on WordPress, have you noticed that we can Reply to specific comments now? Totally cool)

Are you watching American Idol? If so, dare I ask what you think of Adam? I’ve been playing on another site where they discuss Idol and I am floored a bit by the Adam hate and blase opinions about him. I keep joking that you might as well call me Paula because I absolutely melt when he sings. I’ve bought all his Idol songs and listen to them at least once a day. Mad World and Tracks of My Tears are my favorites and I suspect that If I Can’t Have You will move up to the top. Yes, I do prefer his slower stuff as Simon predicted – that man is always right! I figured out this week why I love Adam so much though – he reminds me of Steve Perry. Same vocal range and same ability to get into a song inside out and pour his soul into it.

I described the last 5 contestants like this: 3 boring white guys who can sing, but otherwise are a dime a dozen (Danny, Kris, Matt with Kris as the best of that group), 1 gay glam rocker who is one of the best entertainers ever on the show (Adam) and one Latina teen rocker who is a firecracker of vocal ability (Allison). Can you tell I want it to come down to A vs A? What do you think of the Top Five?

Are you a sports fan at all? I love this time of year when baseball is getting started and hockey and basketball are in their playoffs. Tons of fun to watch. I’m rooting for the west coast hockey teams (Sharks & Ducks). I will root against the Lakers as long as Kobe is on the team so, I’ll root for the young MVP who has proved to be a stand up guy – Go Cavs! And of course, my baseball team is the Padres who are off to a rather miraculous start. We are going Saturday night with a group from work to get ourselves an old school 1969 jersey. The Padres are celebrating their 40th season all year with some really nice give aways.

Can you even believe I am going to work out with a personal trainer on Saturday?!! I go to an old friend’s 40th b-day party last weekend and end up with a damn trainer! Heads may have to roll 😉 It’s actually a group session and the trainer *assures* me she can handle a total work out wimp who should best be described as ‘couch potato’ at this point. Have you ever worked out with a trainer? Do you love it? Hate it? Why?  And will you give me mouth to mouth when I pass out? ;->>

20 thoughts on “Hello..hello..hello……..?

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  1. Okay, I actually responded to your tweet about the personal trainer, and it didn’t go through! Really. I did. Then, I was too lazy to type it in on my phone again. So, anyway.

    I love working out with my trainer. I look at it as an investment in myself. It’s made a big difference in my body shape, though not a lot in my weight. Evidently I’m not mastering the “eat less” portion of that whole weight loss equation.


  2. -I did not know you could reply to comments, very cool

    -I do not watch AI, and have no idea what Adam looks like or sounds like. That said I have always wondered who actually votes for people on that show! 😉

    -We are watching baseball here – Rays, Marlins and Rockies are our favorites.


    1. Hahaha – unlimited texting plans make voting exceptionally easy so I’ve voted the last two seasons pretty consistently. The only other time I voted before was in Season 2 for Clay – the old fashioned way 🙂


    1. Yeah – I am getting the love or hate thing. I am definitely in the minority on the other blog as far as my Adam-love goes. Ah well. There is that home town appeal for me too since the high school he graduated from is just a few miles east of here.


  3. Hola chicola~

    Temper tantrum done…feel better? I don’t watch AI, but always comment when I can. I like your pics over on the flickr widget. 🙂


    1. Yes, I do! And yes, you are a very consistent commenter 😉 Thanks for the compliment on the pics – I love those too! May take awhile for me to load new ones because those are so fun and I don’t want them moved off yet.


  4. I’m here. I’m reading but lately I just don’t feel like commenting a whole lot. But I’m here.

    I did notice the commenting thing on WordPress.
    Idol…no, thank you.
    Sports…I used to follow baseball but there’s no team up here so if I remember, I look at Dodger scores. 😉
    Trainer…better you than me.


    1. Thank you. I know it’s been a rough few months for you and I hope you are starting to feel better.

      Dodgers! Blashpemy! 🙂 I used to love them too, but that seems like another lifetime.


      1. When I first moved from the bay area to Los Angeles, I couldn’t get used to rooting for the Dodgers as I had been a lifelong SF Giants fan. However, my husband (now ex) was a real true blue Dodger fan so we went to many, many, many games. Now I just can’t get behind another baseball team but the Dodgers!


  5. I haven’t been commenting because I have hit a major case of writter’s block all around.

    I have yet to watch a full baseball game this year. We got rid of cable so that means no NESN so no Red Sox every night. We are looking into MLB.tv and a proxy server to watch games, but haven’t taken care of that, maybe tonight.

    This weekend we go see the Portland Sea Dogs play baseball. They are one of the Red Sox minor leage teams.


    1. You gave up cable? Wow. But then, I know you don’t watch a lot of tv. And I know compared to many others I don’t really, but I would still not be able to handle it! 😉

      I remember the Sea Dogs place! Have fun.


  6. Still reading, one of the WSM friends of ML, still have a blog that is so ignored the stats are all boring 0’s, so maybe I better do something about that. At least I could talk to myself I guess.


  7. I think the commenting thing ebbs and flows. It’s light now. I think maybe because the weather is getting nicer, people are outside.

    Anyhow, you know I’m in your court on AI (or rather, in the two A courts). I like Kris, too, but not so much Danny and Matt. And what is it with the men? Do more women vote for men? I just don’t get why men, even not so good ones, always stay longer than women.


    1. Totally the pre-teen/teen girl factor with the men. They are the major pool of youth watching AND voting. Though from the start I thought the boys would dominate this season since they were clearly deeper in talent.


  8. Nice. Good to know that blatant pandering for comments actually works. 😉

    As for AI, I follow, but not necessarily watch – or I tune in at the very end for the recap of the performance. Get me a ticket for the Adam train – creative, versatile and one hell of a peformer. And I’ll be really pissed if the guy who looks like a pudgy Robert Downey Jr. with the dead wife wins.

    I’m glad I dropped by – I’ve been a bad blog buddy myself lately.


    1. I’m glad you stopped by too!

      Yeah, I was getting tired of hearing my voice echo back so I thought I would make sure everyone was alive and able to type 🙂

      Ugh – Hokey Gokey I call him. His story was nice – the first few times – but then it wore thin and he’s turned out to be just another boring singer with a decent enough voice, but nothing to make you spend money.


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